Afternoon Brief, January 4
The Labeling Lies of Expensive Wines: The labels on more affordable wines can be more trustworthy than their pricey counterparts...
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Afternoon Brief, December 16
Counterfeit Claims Spark Defamation Action: Wine experts are embroiled in a defamation lawsuit, in which the chairman of The Wine Institute of Las Vegas claims a San Francisco consultant accused him of...
Afternoon Brief, December 10
Rudy Kurniawan's Fake Wines Get the Death Penalty: It's been a busy two days in the saga of convicted wine counterfeiter Rudy Kurniawan...
Afternoon Brief, November 25
Competing with Craft: Is the Meteoric Rise of Craft Beer a Threat to US Wine? With craft beers continuing to win over US drinkers, are millennial consumers abandoning traditional wines for trendy beer...
Afternoon Brief, November 24
Okanagan Wineries Ask for Stronger Police Presence After Rash of Break-Ins: A group of winery owners in the South Okanagan says the province needs to do more to stop thieves from stealing computers, equipment...
Afternoon Brief, November 6
Objections May Scuttle Jackson Wine Purchase in McMinnville: Two parties have filed objections to Jackson Family Wines purchase of two mirror-image buildings in a set of three on the campus of the former...
Afternoon Brief, November 5
Diageo Sells More Wine Assets and Agrees Argentinian Spirits Partnership: Diageo has sold off more of its wine assets for an amount described as "not material" after deciding earlier this year that wine...
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Afternoon Brief, October 29
French Wine Industry's Love Affair with Pesticides Blamed for Worker Health Problems: Wenny Tari knows a thing or two about wine. She and her husband Gabriel have been making it since 1982, when they...
Afternoon Brief, October 23
U.S. Spirits Will Outperform Beer and Wine for the Fourth Consecutive Year in 2015: The U.S. spirits market is expected to expand once again this year, albeit by a modest 1.3% in volume terms, representing...
Afternoon Brief, October 22
Stevenson Picks Out Next Great Grape for Sparkling: Renowned Champagne commentator Tom Stevenson believes he may have found a red grape as good as Pinot Noir for making sparkling wine...
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