December 28, 2018
Highs and Lows for Wineries: The South Okanagan wine industry had a tough time with smoke and the threat of fires this summer, but still managed to have a successful year with new events and wineries joining...
December 17, 2015
Gallo to Acquire The Ranch Winery, Tripling Its Production Capacity in the Napa Valley: E.&J. Gallo Winery has agreed to acquire The Ranch Winery, a custom crush winery in St. Helena, California, located...
April 23, 2015
Rebellious California grape farmers want their confiscated raisins returned: The National Raisin Reserve, which is overseen by the Fresno-based Raisin Administrative Committee, is part of a post-World...
April 16, 2015
Sinking Euro and Rising Dollar Make Waves in the Wine Industry: Shifting exchange rates are producing beneficial ripples of change for American consumers and European wineries. If you've ever been tempted...
April 13, 2015
Yellow Tail and Constellation off to Kangaroo Court: Aussie vintners hope a Canadian wine company will roo the day it allegedly used a logo featuring Australia's favourite marsupial...
April 2, 2015
Beringer Launches Category-Changing Method Of Consumer Sampling With Taste Station Program: This month Beringer unveils an industry-leading innovation that allows consumers to preview wine in stores without...
March 30, 2015
Washington Wine Country's Nuclear Threat: A nuclear facility in Washington state's prime wine country is leaching radioactive groundwater and is one natural disaster away from Fukushi
February 26, 2015
End of an era. Parker hands Martin the reins for Bordeaux primeurs: At a press conference in London, the veteran Parker handed over responsibility for en primeur to team member Neal Martin, who he described...
February 16, 2015
Subscribe to the Afternoon Brief Trending Story: Single vineyards will define Napa’s future The Napa Valley will increasingly be defined less by broader appellations and more by single vineyard, single...
October 16, 2014
Drones could become familiar sight over Wine Country vineyards: The drones are expected to be more commonplace in the Napa vineyard, likely by next year if the Federal Aviation Administration approves...