Afternoon Brief, May 19th
Napa County Crop Report Shows 'Devastating' Drop in Wake of Wildfires: Napa County’s agricultural production value for 2020 fell to the lowest level in nine years amid a pandemic, wildfires and smoke damage...
Afternoon Brief, May 18th
Experts Weigh in on the Biggest Obstacles and Opportunities to Sell More Wine: Next week the virtual Wine Industry Sales Symposium we bring over twenty wine industry experts together across six conference...
AB Hero Glamor Grapes
Afternoon Brief, May 14th
The Future of Wine Post-COVID: Five Trends to Watch: From e-commerce to lower alcohol products, Jamie Williams, managing partner at London advertising agency isobel, explores five post-COVID trends to...
AB Hero Cork
Afternoon Brief, May 13th
Constellation Invests in Donae Burston’s La Fête du Rosé: The North American drinks giant deal for a piece of the growing Provence rosé brand is Constellation's first in a new commitment to invest $100...
Expert Editorial
Sticker Shock: Understanding Rising Replacement Costs in Winery Insurance
With the rash of recent wildfires, not surprisingly, there has been a renewed focus on the part of winery owners in risk mitigation, as well as comprehensive insurance coverage...
AB Hero Sun Behind Vine
Afternoon Brief, May 12th
Another Sonoma County California Winery Closes: Two famous old Sonoma wineries have closed within a week - coincidence or a worrying trend?...
Afternoon Brief, May 11th
Production to Cease at Sebastiani Winery in Downtown Sonoma: It is the end of an era for Sonoma’s largest downtown winery. Foley Family Winery plans to lay off most of its workers at the Sebastiani Winery...
AB Hero Sparkling on Ice
Afternoon Brief, May 10th
Gallo Lays Off Most Clos du Bois Winery Workers: The Clos du Bois winery has laid off most of its workers and closed winemaking operations at the Geyserville facility...
Afternoon Brief, April 7th
A New Napa Vintner Just Made an Ambitious $10 Million Rutherford Winery Purchase: Suzanne Deal Booth is building a sizeable Napa estate with the historic Bella Oaks Vineyard...
AB Hero Sun Behind Vine
Afternoon Brief, May 6th
THURSDAY, MAY 06 TRENDING STORY   Cyber Security Experts Warn Over Online Wine Scams Scammers have increasingly used wine-themed domain names to target potential victims during parts of the Covid-19...
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