October 24, 2023
Disputes fermenting between winery shareholders may not be governed
by fiduciary duties but could be covered by insurance.
By Amy Briggs and Hilary Krase
Many wineries operate as closely held companies,...
July 17, 2023
Investing in entitlements for wineries can increase
short- and long-term financial viability in several ways.
By Katherine Philippakis and Rachel Lenihan
With today’s emphasis on increasing...
October 28, 2022
Although the market is currently uncertain, demand for high-quality winery and vineyard properties continues to exceed the supply.
By Katherine Philippakis and Matthew Lewis
The U.S. financial markets...
March 2, 2022
—Expert Editorial by Alexis Sinclair is special counsel at Farella Braun + Martel
Property insurance is both a prudent choice by a business, as well as, in certain circumstances, a requirement, such as...