take a stand
Wine Brands Find Traction with Consumers When They Take a Stand
Wine brands are becoming more open about company values as consumers and social media users demand transparency.  By Kathleen Willcox  Political polarization has been increasing faster in the...
Filterable 100% Long-chain Arabic Gum Protects Color While Enhancing Wine’s Roundness and Softness
Color is one of the consumer’s primary considerations when tasting wine, especially red wine. Whether a beginner or a wine connoisseur, consumers consciously or unconsciously pick up on color cues when...
Wine Industry Sales Symposium Recap
The wine marketplace continues its post-pandemic shifts.  By Laurie Wachter The August 24 Wine Industry Sales Symposium consisted of four sessions covering the value of DTC and sales data in boosting...
read label
Should Wine Labels List Ingredients?
TTB is considering rule changes that would require ingredients and nutritional information on wine labels. By Jeff Siegel The U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), the federal agency that...
More Wineries Prefer Dry Steam to Ozone for Sanitation and Water Conservation Benefits
Piper Underbrink grew up working cows on her family’s 4600-acre cattle ranch, learning about art from her musician mother and wine from her lifelong wine collector father. When she announced she wanted...
Dowsers: Vintners Embrace the Ancient Art for Finding Water
Once deemed witchcraft, dowsing locates underground water sources via a guiding instrument, such as a willow branch, metal rods or pendulum.  By L.M. Archer  As climate change intensifies, many...
slump surge arrows
Where DTC Sales Are Slowing to a Trickle, Where They’re Surging — and Why
Two key reports on direct-to-consumer (DTC) wines sales have been released, and their findings make for fascinating — if, at times, alarming — reading.  By Kathleen Willcox    Sales growth...
WneDirect packaging line
Top 5 Considerations When Choosing a Wine Fulfillment Solution
When selecting a wine fulfillment company to partner with there are several factors to consider. Wineries are looking for a reliable and trustworthy solution that moves shipments quickly, can offer personalization,...
Imaged supplied by Meridian Institute on behalf of IWCA
Easy-to-Use Greenhouse Gas Calculator Goes to Work Down Under
As the New Zealand and Australian wine industries look to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, a simple tool, designed in California, is helping producers calculate greenhouse gas emissions. By Simone...
Anna Maria Gianbanco DiPietra_Vineyard 2022
Turning the Tables on Anna Maria Giambanco DiPietro
By Carl Giavanti Anna Maria Giambanco DiPietro is a writer based in Santa Barbara County, Calif. With her WSET 2 with distinction certificate in tow, she writes for Edible Santa Barbara, Wine Enthusiast,...
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