WIN Expo trade show floor
WIN Expo 2022 Celebrates 10 Years of Knowledge and Networking
The Annual North Coast Wine Industry Expo (WIN Expo) is the largest trade show and conference focused exclusively on Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino and Lake counties, and is the second largest wine industry show...
Buckeye Corrugated’s VinoPak
2022 WINnovation Award: Buckeye Corrugated’s VinoPak — Curbside Recycleable and Cold Shipping Compatible Packaging
The wine industry is constantly faced with new trends, challenges and the pressure to stay ahead of the competition. With that comes the opportunity to innovate.  Each year, Wine Industry Network...
scanning wine bottle
Expert Editorial: The Changing Face of the Beverage Alcohol Industry
The beverage alcohol market is changing rapidly. Marketers must keep pace. By Maria Pearman The beverage alcohol industry is in a state of vast disruption, and wine is no exception. Forces at play come...
blank canvas
You’ve Been Served: TTB Sued Over Wine Ingredient Labels
A lawsuit filed by three leading consumer organizations could finally bring the debate about ingredient and nutritional labeling for wine front and center. By Jeff Siegel The Center for Science in the...
[Photo courtesy Saverglass]
Under Pressure: Behind the Battle to Lighten Champagne’s Bottle Weights
The standard Champagne bottle — 1,250 grams at the beginning of the 20th century, has lightened considerably. The industry as a whole is continuing to experiment with climate friendly solutions. By Kathleen...
read label
Should Wine Labels List Ingredients?
TTB is considering rule changes that would require ingredients and nutritional information on wine labels. By Jeff Siegel The U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), the federal agency that...
Will TTB Eliminate All Standards of Fill?
The TTB is asking for comment about eliminating all standards of fill for wine and spirits. By Jeff Siegel The wine industry, already beset by supply chain woes, inflation and declining sales, may have...
Frugal Bottle line up 2
Beyond the (Standard) Bottle: Wineries Are Embracing Greener Packaging
Growing and making wine can be done sustainably. According to Grand View Research, the production of organic wine is projected to grow 10.2 percent between 2022 and 2030, and the space devoted to organic...
Innovative packaging can create a memorable consumer experience.
The Whole Package: Wine Needs to Create Memories with Each Delivery
There’s no question the wine market has changed dramatically since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. When wineries were forced to halt in-person tastings, travel tanked, stores shut down, restaurant...
Rethink Packaging: Wine Needs to Embrace CPG Strategies to Attract New Consumers
Wine packaging was designed and perfected for the retail shelf display. So what happens when retail display doesn’t matter quite as much as it used to — and could matter a whole lot less in the future?...
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