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CAWG Welcomes New Board Directors from Napa and San Luis Obispo Counties; Re-Elects Officer Team

SACRAMENTO, December 4, 2024 – The California Association of Winegrape Growers (CAWG) is pleased to  announce the election of two new board directors. Joining the 29-person board, which includes 27 growers  representing diverse regions and operations across California and two directors-at-large, are Johnnie White  of Piña Vineyard Management in Napa and Hilary Graves of Booker Vineyard in Paso Robles. Their terms commenced on December 1, 2024. 

The board also reelected Gregg Hibbits of Grapevine Capital Partners in San Luis Obispo as chairman of the  board, along with Jeff Bitter, a winegrape grower in Madera, and John Chandler of Chandler Farms in Selma  as vice-chairs; Duff Bevill of Bevill Vineyard Management, LLC in Healdsburg as secretary; and Jason Smith  of Valley Farm Management in Salinas as treasurer. Their officer terms will run through November 30,  2025. 

CAWG extends its sincere gratitude to the outgoing directors who have completed their dedicated service  to the board: Kendall Hoxsey-Onysko of Yount Mill Vineyards in Oakville and Marshall Miller of The  Thornhill Companies in Santa Barbara. 

“I want to thank Kendall and Marshall for their steadfast commitment and the expertise they brought to  the board. Their contributions have been instrumental in continuing CAWG’s legacy as the trusted voice of  California’s winegrape growers,” said CAWG Board Chair Gregg Hibbits of Grapevine Capital Partners. “We  also welcome Johnnie and Hilary, whose leadership will be crucial as we navigate the ongoing challenges  facing our industry.” 

“As the association celebrates its 50th year, we recognize the pivotal role of the board in driving industry wide improvements for the benefit of all,” said Natalie Collins, CAWG President. “Their commitment  ensures we stay laser-focused on the critical issues facing California’s winegrape growers, while confidently  looking toward the future.” 

About the California Association of Winegrape Growers (CAWG):

CAWG is a statewide nonprofit trade  association advocating for California’s winegrape growers to ensure the sustainability of the winegrape  industry. CAWG promotes the industry’s long-term success by advancing the adoption of sound public  policies and fostering awareness and understanding of winegrape growers’ contributions to the economy,  environment, and California communities. Learn more at cawg.org.


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