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WineAmerica: Spreading “The Magic of Wine” in 2024 and Beyond

The wine industry has a unique opportunity to shape its own destiny
by spreading the word on the magic of wine.

By Jim Trezise

In 2024, the wine industry is facing multiple challenges, including generational shifts in consumption patterns, innovation of the spirits sector, the increasing effects of climate change and ongoing propaganda on the harmful effects of alcohol.

We can’t solve all these problems, but what we can do is collaborate and use our own resources to broadcast the uniqueness, value and magic of wine. 

The Magic of Wine

WineAmerica has created a new website section, “The Magic of Wine,” with content created for our members but available to any winery or trade association that understands the urgency of the situation and wants to get involved. 

WineAmerica, the national association of American wineries, has about 400 winery members in 45 states, along with 40 winery trade associations (which represent many other wineries). Imagine if those 400 wineries regularly used this information with their customers, wholesalers, retailers, media contacts, local officials and state and federal legislators. That effect could be amplified if the 40 trade associations urge their winery members to do the same. Imagine the effect of a campaign involving all 10,637 wine producers in the United States. Diversity is our strength, unity is our power.

Wine is the beverage we love, it feeds our families and brings us together. But this magical elixir is also so much more than that. It’s a natural farm product, a land preserver, a reflection of place and time, an artistic statement, a liquid food, a Biblical focus, a poetic inspiration, a cultural phenomenon, an economic engine and a noble beverage from humble roots which brings people together around the world.

Wine is magic. So why don’t we tell people?

Follow Mondavi’s lead

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“Wine, to me, is passion. It’s family and friends. It’s warmth of heart and generosity of spirit. Wine is art. It’s culture. It’s the essence of civilization and the art of living.” 
                                                                                                   —Robert Mondavi

Robert Mondavi’s statement came many years ago, during a time when the wine community was facing similar daunting challenges. He responded by creating “The Mission,” a program that highlighted the uniqueness, value and power of wine. 

WineAmerica’s program, available to all, is essentially a grassroots version of that message, to be spread by the people who have the most to lose if they do nothing — and to gain if they get involved.

The new website section includes eight separate documents:

The Magic of Wine: An Opportunity. How this campaign can help the wine industry help itself

Wine Facts. A sampling of fun facts in different areas

Wine Wishes. “Cheers!” in different languages, reflecting wine’s global reach

Wine Sensations. The multiple sensory pleasures of wine, from sight to sound

Wine Words. A long list of pithy quotes about wine from famous and not so famous people

Wine Farming. The agricultural roots of fermented grape juice

Wine Wealth. The enormous economic impact of wine

Wine Magic: A Toast. An editorial I wrote for Wine Industry Advisor in December 2023

These all exist to be used by anyone interested, and more content will be added in the future.

Compliance Matters

Another new section, “Compliance Matters,” has been added to the WineAmerica website to remind wineries of the importance of compliance and to provide some basic information to help them. Michael Kaiser, WineAmerica’s executive vice president and director of government affairs, is the source for further information as well as our liaison with various government agencies. This is general information, not legal advice, which should be sought from attorneys.

The American wine industry is diverse: All 50 states produce and consume wine. Hundreds of different grape varieties are grown. 

Of the nation’s 10,637 wine producers, the vast majority are small, family-run businesses. There are grape and winery trade associations in virtually every state. The industry keeps growing despite the challenges it faces, but this is a new era of challenge.

We now have a need — and an opportunity — to all come together and preach the same sermon: Wine is unique. Wine is good. Wine is magic.


Jim Trezise

Jim Trezise

Jim Trezise is president of WineAmerica (WA), the only national wine industry association in the United States. WA is a 500-member strong organization that encourages the growth and development of American wineries and winegrowing through the advancement and advocacy of sound public policy. Membership is encouraged to support the important work of WA, which benefits all U.S. wineries. Go to wineamerica.org for more information.

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