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WineAmerica: 2023 Brings New Legislative Opportunities, Familiar Challenges

Now that the dust has settled a bit on the 2022 midterm elections, we can take a look at what happened and what it might mean for the American wine industry.

By Michael Kaiser

What do the recent election results mean for 2023? 

A new House majority means new Republican leadership and a new speaker. At this writing, it seems clear that current House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) will become the next Speaker of the House. At the same time, current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has stepped down from the Democratic leadership. She will serve out her next term, but will no longer head the leadership team. 

A new House majority also means that the leadership of each committee now turns over. WineAmerica continues to have allies in the House Agriculture, Appropriations, and Ways and Means committees. One of our organizational strengths is our nonpartisanship, and that will be evident in our ability to work well with the new majority. At press time, we do not know the final makeup of each committee. That will start to come into focus in January and February. 

We do know the Senate leadership will remain the same in the new Congress. Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) will remain Senate Majority Leader. Senator Schumer has been a great ally to the American wine industry over the years, so we’re quite happy that he will remain in his position. Additionally, Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) remains Senate Finance Chairman. Senator Wyden, famously, was the original sponsor of the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act. Additionally, Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) will remain Senate Agriculture chair. One very positive development is that Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) might become the Senate Appropriations Committee Chair. Having a Senator from a state like Washington in charge of this important committee would be hugely beneficial to the wine industry. 

A new Congress is kind of like the beginning of a new school year. There is a short period of getting accustomed to a new schedule and a new setting but then the work begins. 2023 does feature the usual must-pass appropriations and funding bills, but also features the next version of the Farm Bill, which must pass every five years. The following are some of the legislative priorities for WineAmerica in 2023.

Farm Bill

The current Farm Bill expires on September 30, 2023. If a new version of the bill is not passed and signed into law before then, a continuing resolution might be necessary to keep USDA programs authorized and functioning. A Farm Bill continuing resolution is simply an extension of the existing Farm Bill. The current Farm Bill had a total estimated cost of $428 billion, and the next version could see the final cost approach $1 trillion. 

Why is the Farm Bill important to the wine industry? A variety of grant programs are included in the bill, such speciality crop block grants that have been beneficial to the wine industry over the years. Additionally, there are research programs that benefit the wine industry. In 2023, WineAmerica will be seeking funding to increase vineyard statistics research, something that’s been lacking for many years. 

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WA will also be looking to fold a bill known as the Agritourism Act (introduced earlier this year) into the 2023 Farm Bill. The Agritourism Act would create an Office of Agritourism within USDA, which would work to promote agritourism businesses (such as wineries) through grant programs and direct promotion. We have a long way to go before passage of the Farm Bill, but WineAmerica is an active member of the Specialty Crop Farm Bill Alliance, and we will have a seat at the table in negotiations.

Other Legislative Priorities

Along with the Farm Bill, WineAmerica has other legislative priorities for 2023. Chiefly, the re-introduction of the United State Postal Service Shipping Equity Act, which would let the USPS ship alcohol in states where it’s legally permitted. Congresswoman Jackie Speir (D-CA) is retiring from Congress, so we will need a new Democratic sponsor, but our friend Congressman Dan Newhouse (R-WA) has agreed to once again be the lead sponsor. 

WA will also be monitoring other issues in 2023, such as federal cannabis legalization and any potential tax changes. Also, we cannot forget potential TTB proposals, such as the long-rumored serving facts and nutrition information rulemaking. 2023 is going to be very busy for WineAmerica. We hope you consider helping us by joining, as it’s the best way to ensure your voice is heard.


Michael Kaiser, WineAmerica
Michael Kaiser, WineAmerica

Michael Kaiser

Michael Kaiser is executive vice president and director of government affairs at WineAmerica, which represents wineries and associations from more than 40 states. For more information about WineAmerica and how to get involved, visit www.wineamerica.org.

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