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UC Davis Cooperative Extension Specialist Confirmed as 2021 ASEV Extension Distinction Award Recipient

DAVIS, Calif., March 5, 2021… Dr. Anita Oberholster, Associate Specialist in Cooperative Extension in Enology for Agricultural Natural Resources (ANR), based at University of California, Davis, has been confirmed by the American Society for Enology and Viticulture (ASEV) as the recipient of the 2021 ASEV Extension Distinction Award. Dr. Oberholster will present “The Challenges of Modern Extension Programs” at the 72nd ASEV National Conference, held virtually on June 21-24, 2021.

Dr. Oberholster completed her doctorate in wine sciences at the University of Adelaide, Australia, in 2008 and worked at the Department of Viticulture and Oenology at Stellenbosch University until 2011, when she became a Cooperative Extension Specialist in the Department of Viticulture and Enology at UC Davis. In her current position, she focuses on continued education for the grape and wine industry while her research program concentrates on current issues in the grape and wine industry. Her research includes the impact of climate on grape ripening and phenolic development, grapevine red blotch disease and smoke exposure in the vineyard. Another major focus for Oberholster is the impact of different winemaking techniques on wine composition and quality.

“I love science, agriculture and wine. My job is the perfect blend,” says Oberholster. “Working with the grape and wine industry has been extremely rewarding and I am especially grateful to the ASEV for this high honor and recognition.”

Dr. Oberholster has been a member of ASEV since 2011 and has served as board director from 2014-2020. She served on the ASEV Best Paper Committee and was an AJEV reviewer and a National Conference moderator and speaker. She continues to serve on the ASEV Technical Program Committee.

Additionally, she is a member of several other organizations, including the American Chemical Society, Groupe Polyphenols, West Coast Smoke Exposure Task Force, UC Davis Chemical and Laboratory Safety Committee, Viticulture & Enology and Food Science and Technology Graduate Group Executive Committees, Robert Mondavi Institute Executive Committee and is chair of the UC Davis Viticulture & Enology Extension Coordination Committee. She reviews for 25 peer-reviewed journals and different funding proposals. She was previously a member of the Specialist Advisory Committee, which advises the Dean of the College of CA & ES on cooperative extension issues, South African Society of Enology and Viticulture, and the Australian Society of Viticulture and Enology.

The ASEV Extension Distinction Award is given to a current ASEV member and extension educator based on his or her contribution of: (1) information in enology or viticulture through his or her extension program, or (2) the translation of novel research findings into commercially applicable tools for enologists or viticulturists. 

Founded in 1950 by a group of researchers and winemakers, the ASEV is dedicated to the interests of enologists, viticulturists and others in the fields of wine and grape research and production throughout the world. The ASEV National Conference is a forum for sharing and disseminating the latest scientific information relevant to winemaking and grape growing. For more information about the 72nd ASEV National Conference, taking place as a virtual conference on June 21-24, 2021, visit www.asev.org.


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