AB Hero Tasting Glasses
Afternoon Brief, November 4
King of Wine Fraud Facing Freedom: He's back! Rudy Kurniawan gets out of prison this week, so lock up your wine cellars...
AB Hero Sparkling Wine Glass
Afternoon Brief, October 22
Napa County Farm Bureau Releases Fire Prevention Policy and Legislative Recommendations: The Napa County Farm Bureau today released Fire Prevention Policy and Legislative Recommendations based of off extensive...
AB Hero Napa Vines and hills
Afternoon Brief, October 21
Sonoma Starts Selling the Turbulent 2020 Vintage: It's been a hell of a year, but Sonoma producers have reasons to be cheerful...
Afternoon Brief, October 15
Santa Barbara County Wine Legends for Sale: Longoria wines seeks to sell it all, while Ampelos Cellars offloading vineyard, not brand...
Afternoon Brief, October 12
How Winemakers Craft Clean Natural Wines: Why are some natural wines marked by volatile acidity, Brett, and mousiness, while others aren't? Alex Russan investigates...
AB Hero Young Buds
Afternoon Brief, October 7
Wine Country Starts Picking Up the Pieces: Winery and vineyard owners have been through hell this year. How will they recover?...
Afternoon Brief, October 2
Smoke Exposure: ‘Get Out of Jail Free Card’ for Winegrape Buyers: Another year of catastrophic wildfires in California is once again raising concern about smoke exposure in winegrapes. President and CEO...
Wine Consumer Trends in the COVID-19 Era
Wine enjoying mini-boom in the Covid-19 era, but dark economic clouds on horizon  Wine drinkers across key consumption markets have been turning more often to wine as a beverage  during the Covid-19...
AB Hero Young Buds
Afternoon Brief, October 1
Grape and Bulk Market Activity Increases as Wineries Seek Ways to Supplement a Smaller, Smoke Plagued Vintage: The Lightning Complex, or LMU fire, came earlier this year than Sonoma and Napa had experienced...
Afternoon Brief, September 30
Vineyards Help Protect Wine Country During Glass Fire: Napa County has been hit hard by wildfires but experts say the damage could have been worse. Wine country’s most precious crop may have prevented...
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