July 30, 2024
America's Incredible Shrinking Wholesale Landscape: Wholesalers across the US have consolidated, turning once regional entities into national behemoths. Jeff Siegel charts the changes...
July 9, 2020
Reimagining The Legendary Sleepy Hollow Vineyard: When E. & J. Gallo Winery (Gallo) of Modesto, purchased the iconic Talbott brand in 2015, a shockwave hit the Monterey wine community...
August 26, 2015
E. & J. Gallo Announces Purchase of Talbott Vineyards: E. & J. Gallo Winery announced today that it has agreed to purchase Talbott Vineyards, one of Californias largest and most esteemed producers of 100%...
April 22, 2014
Rack & Riddle Announces Facility Opening in Wake of Major Sonoma County Expansion: Rack & Riddle Custom Wine Services, one of the largest custom crush and winemaking companies in the North Bay area, today...