Afternoon Brief: July 30
America's Incredible Shrinking Wholesale Landscape: Wholesalers across the US have consolidated, turning once regional entities into national behemoths. Jeff Siegel charts the changes...
Sleepy Hollow Vineyards
Reimagining the Legendary Sleepy Hollow Vineyard
Reimagining The Legendary Sleepy Hollow Vineyard: When E. & J. Gallo Winery (Gallo) of Modesto, purchased the iconic Talbott brand in 2015, a shockwave hit the Monterey wine community...
Afternoon Brief, August 26
E. & J. Gallo Announces Purchase of Talbott Vineyards: E. & J. Gallo Winery announced today that it has agreed to purchase Talbott Vineyards, one of Californias largest and most esteemed producers of 100%...
Afternoon Brief, April 22
Rack & Riddle Announces Facility Opening in Wake of Major Sonoma County Expansion: Rack & Riddle Custom Wine Services, one of the largest custom crush and winemaking companies in the North Bay area, today...