Can You Beat This? Kokomo’s 100-Point Score in the North Coast Wine Challenge a Game-Changer
When winemaker Erik Miller got the call informing him that his 2015 Gopher Hill Pinot had just garnered a 100-point score, and oh, by the way, it took Best of Show at the 2018 North Coast Wine Challenge,...
07point3 Stave and Package
Smooth Harvest Provides Freedom for Winemakers’ Craft to Shine
The 2018 grape harvest began a few weeks later than in past years on the North Coast, but with almost everything in, growers are reporting increased yields of high-quality grapes. The longer hangtimes...
Preventing Stuck Fermentations While Preserving Wine Quality
“If you’ve ever had a stuck ferment, you want to avoid that in the future. In the past, I’ve battled with stuck fermentations that were mainly fructose, and they’re a bear to restart.”
Expert Editorial
Holiday Wine Marketing Tips on a Budget
Holiday wine sales, already? Seasonal shopping began in October this year, with nearly half of all holiday purchases predicted to occur on mobile. With over 3,600 wineries in California alone, standing...
Emetry Data Summit
Making Big Data Work for Wine
“Data doesn’t always tell the truth,” said Paul Mabray, CEO of Emetry in his opening remarks of the Wine Industry Data Summit, setting the tone for an inspirational series of talks about the challenges...
Expert Editorial
Uncovering Blind Spots to Differentiate Your Brand
Winery owners—most business owners, for that matter—live and breathe their brands. They believe in them wholly and unconditionally. This passion and confidence are critical ingredients in the success of...
Market Trends for All: Case Goods and Bulk Wine Forecast
In this WIN Expo staple, Turrentine Brokerage offers a recap of the 2018 harvest and provides an update of the state of the grape and bulk wine markets, as well as case good sales trends, with emphasis...
Expert Editorial
Traceability and Transparency: The New Frontier for Winemaking and Its Impact on Tartrate Stabilization?
The new ‘wine frontier’ for oenological or winemaking seems to be moving towards the production of better quality wines with increased traceability and more transparency of ingredients for the consumer. ...
Winery Service Connection Video
Winery Service Connection: Systems to Keep Your Machinery Running
Imagine a best-case scenario for your winery; all of your machinery is cared for, runs well, gets diagnostics run and repairs before they are needed, and then runs smoothly during harvest. Yes, runs smoothly...
Lisa Mattson After and Before Hero
Jordan Winery's Lisa Mattson, Rebuilding and Giving Back After the Wildfires
Lisa Mattson wasn’t home when the garage of her house in Fountaingrove burned during the October 2017 Sonoma County wildfires, but she returned from Spain to find a home so damaged that, although standing,...
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