Direct Pitch Yeasts Celebrate 10 Years of Winemaking Success!
Winemaking techniques constantly evolve as the wine industry develops, tests, and adopts new methods. Individual winemakers hone their craft and processes by experimenting with new approaches, and changes...
Sales Data Confusion: Depending on Your Source, Sales are Up…or Down
Getting a consistent take on wine sales in the U.S. remains a crap shoot even in the data-driven, all-things-can-be-measured 21st century. By Jeff Siegel Wine sales in 2021 declined 0.5% in volume, which...
Grapes during the winter ready for harvest to be used as ice wine
Winterization: How to Organize Vineyard Maintenance Tasks Leading into Your Next Harvest Season
As soon as harvest is complete, vignerons need to start preparing their vines and vineyards for dormancy.  By Bryan Christiansen The vineyard cycle is split into 6 different stages throughout the...
Red wine bottles stacked on wooden racks
Know Your Numbers: Econometric Modeling in Wine Pricing and Inventory Decision Making
Price elasticity calculations can help a winery predict how consumer demand will change for an SKU following a price adjustment. By Nathan Hart A data-driven decision making strategy can optimize your...
Signpost on row of chardonnay grapevines in vineyard at sunset
Non-Binary Winemaking: The Rise of Mellow Malo in a Bid for Non-Buttery, Non-Steely Chardonnay
Winemakers are expressing Chardonnay in an entirely new way. By Kathleen Willcox  Malo + Chardonnay = J. Lo + Ben Affleck.  You either love them together or gag at the very notion. But perhaps...
USATT spotlight
Beverage Trade Network Invites You to the 2022 USA Trade Tasting
Network, learn, and find new opportunities to grow! Attend Conference       Attend Expo We are super excited to share with you that BTN is bringing its international...
Natural Wine. ©2022 Greg Clarke
Op Ed: We Need to Talk About Wine in an Intelligent Way
How can we end the dumbing down of wine conversations? By Randy Caparoso   Before you go jumping to conclusions about the nature of my incendiary question, let me be clear about who I’m targeting. Natural...
A glass of red wine on a background of $100 bills
WineAmerica: What’s Wine Worth? $276 Billion
The 2022 Wine Industry Economic Study reveals the true, deep impact of the wine industry on the larger U.S. economy. By Jim Trezise Wine is many things: a farm product, a liquid food, a social lubricant,...
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Bulk Wine Offers Solutions for Private Label and Sustainability
Despite heightened worries over their health following the pandemic, consumers consider the health of the planet even more critical, according to a recent survey by Innova Market Insights. Sustainability...
Liz Thach MW 600x600
Turning the Tables on Dr. Liz Thach, MW
By Carl Giavanti Dr. Liz Thach, MW, is a freelance wine writer, wine market expert, researcher, educator and consultant based in California’s Napa and Sonoma counties. She is an award-winning author and...
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