Letters to the editor
Wine Will Never Fall Into the New Tobacco Trap
A title of an article appearing in the March 28, 2019 issue of The Spectator by Christopher Snowden, “The Campaign to Make Alcohol ‘The New Tobacco’”, seems to be more than a shot across the bow of all...
Bud Break Cropped
Is Gallo Saving the Wine Industry?
Betting on high-margin and high-growth sounds like a winning strategy, and Constellation’s stock rose on the morning after the announcement. But if Constellation was so eager to get rid of these brands,...
3 Tier Talk
What I Learned at WSWA 2019
The supplier, the wholesaler and the consultant world descended on Orlando, Florida last week for the annual WSWA convention. It was a collection of people everybody knew, and people hardly known and I...
Flavor Sticks
Menthol Is Not Mint: Decoding Freshness in Wine
Ninety or so people gathered at the Vintners Inn in Santa Rosa, CA on Wednesday, April 3rd to hear world–renown flavor expert Alexandre Schmitt speak on the topic of “Decoding Aroma Molecules in Wine &...
V Files Logo
Mystery Shoppers Visit Quintessa
Quintessa Winery is discreetly tucked into a hillside on the Silverado Trail just north of Rutherford Cross Road. The 280-acre site is planted with 160 acres of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc,...
E Column logo
What Makes Guests Buy - Part Two
Last week’s blog talked about three of the six most important things that guests are looking for when they buy your products. In that blog I covered Identity (how your products relate to how guests see...
3 Tier Talk
WSWA Convention Survival Guide
Every year, over a four-day period, the adult beverage world descends on one special location for the WSWA convention. Makers come from all over the globe to meet with distributors, other brands, and all...
Butternut Bottles 1200
Butternut Brand Grew from 1,500 to 100,000 Cases by Paying Close Attention to Market Trends
While there are no questions any more about Butternut Wines’ prominent spot in the marketplace and its soaring potential, Tony Leonardini admits that he and his partners had some doubts about the timing...
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What Makes Guests Buy?
If you want to be good at hospitality and/or sales, it helps to have a genuine interest in people, rather than having an interest only in the product you are selling. Otherwise, it is likely you will focus...
Expert Editorial
5 Tips for Networking at Industry Events for Wine and Spirits Professionals
By Juliana Colangelo, West Coast Director, Colangelo & Partners From annual events like Wine Spectator’s Top 100 and Whiskey Fest to weekly trade tasting groups and regional seminars, there is no...
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