Yeast Nutrition in Winemaking: Your Most Common Questions Answered webinar aims to present to winemakers the state of research about yeast nutrition in wine fermentations to guide the producers in their nutrition program. Join Anne Flesch (Fermentis), Sean Thommen (Fermentis) and James Roblee (ATP Group) as they answer some common questions related to yeast nutrition while showcasing data across multiple trials.

Some examples of questions addressed are:

  • What does the yeast really need to grow and ferment?
  • How are yeast nutrients impacting the fermentation performance (lag phase, overall kinetics, wine analytics) and the wine’s sensorial profile?
  • Is there an optimal amount of nutrient to add?
  • Are complex (or yeast derived) nutrients really more beneficial than mineral sources of nitrogen alone?
  • What are the differences between the ‘fermentation aids’ we can find on the market
  • How can the appropriate nutrient program drive positive aromas and prevent off-flavors in wine?
  • Does the timing or order of my nutrient additions matter?

Have any follow-up questions based on anything you learned during this webinar? Please reach out to any of the speakers.

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Anne Flesch, Technical Sales Support Manager – The Americas / Fermentis
Sean Thommen, Sales Manager – West USA / Fermentis
James Roblee, Enology Technical Support Representative / ATP Group

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