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Star Wine List Launches Wine Guide to Champagne

Star Wine List, the award-winning guide to great wine bars and wine restaurants, has launched the wine lover’s guide to Champagne. Star Wine List’s Champagne ambassador, Sara Underdown, has curated the selection of eleven wine restaurants and wine bars.

November 2nd – “I’ve always seen myself as an ambassador for the Champagne region.
Champagne has some world-class venues for enjoying champagne. After covid, there are more discovery opportunities, vibrant dining options and Michelin-starred restaurants springing up all over the place,” says Sara Underdown about Champagne’s food and wine scene.

L’Assiette Champenoise, Au Bon Manger and Les Avises are among the eleven venues selected for Star Wine List Champagne. Check out the Star Wine List Champagne selection on starwinelist.com or on the app. 

“Every wine lover needs to visit Champagne at least once – it is a special region in the wine universe. Now we are very excited to launch our first guide with Sara Underdown,” says Krister Bengtsson, Star Wine List’s founder and publisher.

For many of the restaurants and bars, you will find their updated wine lists on starwinelist.com.

Star Wine List is the award-winning guide to great wine bars and wine restaurants around the world. It is available as an app and on www.starwinelist.com. It was launched in Stockholm (Sweden) in 2017, and is now live in more than 35 countries in the world. All venues are selected by top wine professionals.

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