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Food and Wine Pairing Secrets

Have you ever invited your family or friends over for a meal and wanted to impress them with your cooking and choice of beverage? Have you ever wondered how to properly pick the right wine for your dish? Keep reading to find out unexpected examples of pairing food with wine.

Sparkling wines are seafood’s best friend! The light structure, high acidity and bubbly sensation compliment extremely well all type of seafood dishes. Seafood is often with a heavy structure, intense taste and seasoned with strong herbs and spices. To balance the palette and make the meal even more pleasing, look up the best sparkling wine for your food. Sparkling wines are often associated with celebrations and pairing with desserts, but one quick look out of the box might surprise you!

Red wine and chocolate? – why not!

Red wines with their strong and memorable taste are most commonly paired with meat, pasta or other heavy dishes. But a bold culinary experience would be pairing red wine with chocolate for a really memorable dessert! Heavy-bodied wines like Mavrud, Pamid and Cabernet Sauvignon are a fine compliment to dark chocolate, rich in cocoa percentage. The sweet and bitter notes of the wine and the chocolate combine and balance out to provide you an unforgettable gourmet experience!

Your guests crave something sweet, but you don’t have a dessert? No worries!

A great meal had finished, and your guests are eager to try the final dish, but … you forgot the dessert! No worries, you can always rely on the combination of sweet wine and cheese. Impress your guests and give them something to talk about! Don’t forget to cool your dessert wine really good before serving (8-10 C) and have a fine finish to your exquisite culinary experience.

Enjoy wines in different combinations with food and don’t forget to look for the labels PGI and PDO – they will ensure the highest quality of your wine and its uniqueness. Cheers and Enjoy – it’s from Europe!

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