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Wetaste.wine: The Startup to Discover Small Italian Wineries 

A journey to explore the land of Italian wines, discovering labels and family-owned brands. 

Each month a different story, each glass a place to tell. 

28 December 2020, Verona, Italy. WeTaste.Wine was born among the rows of the Veronese hills, a startup specialized in wine tasting options, only produced by small Italian wineries. The purpose of this new digital company is to explore and share the ‘Italy of wine’, focusing on local winemaking realities, through a simple platform aimed at an international audience.

A ‘tasting journey’ that allows all the wine lovers to get to know a different Italian winery every month, through a dedicated wine box, according to the territory currently explored and the season. An enological adventure that passes through family-run activities, stories of generations committed to working and preserving the vineyards, but also a lot of innovation and new realities ready to interpret a ‘Made in Italy’ wine in its many facets. Behind the project a team of experts from different sectors, including marketers and sommelier, made up of Matteo Sassano, Elena Tregnaghi, Annamaria Finarelli and Roberto Zanini.

An expert guide and three options 

There are thousands of wine labels on the market and often choosing the right one becomes complicated, especially online and if you don’t have basic knowledge about wine and its characteristics. In order to make the life ‘easier’ for those who decide to approach this world, WeTaste.Wine offers tasting options chosen by a team of Sommeliers, an all-female team.

Three tasting options proposed, namely DiscoveryMagnificent and Nature, a choice that varies between superior quality wines, important wines and wines ‘married’ with sustainability. An important aspect relating to the choice of labels: revealed and told only after shipment has been received. What users will know in advance will be information on the territory and the type of wine, the primary focus of the project. Other elements of choice by the user are the duration of the options (a subscription can be suspended at any time), the quantity of bottles and the possibility of giving a tasting option as a gift.

A ‘slow-commerce’ project: haste is the enemy of wine 

Making a good wine is a project that takes time, patience and resources, which is why WeTaste.Wine shipments take place once a month. A sustainable choice made in respect of wine, of its rhythm and of those who work in this world. Far from the frenzy of fast deliveries, last minute and those discounted offers diminishing the product.

“Despite the complex and uncertain period, we decided to roll up our sleeves, use and combine our working experiences, but above all we intend to enhance the great wealth that surrounds us, that of wine”, explains Matteo Sassano, Founder of WeTaste.Wine. “Let’s start right from here, from the valleys between Verona and Vicenza, the lands of Garganega and Durella, the first stop in a series of routes that will develop according to the season and the territory. Every month we want to share a small glimpse of Italy, one immersed in the culture of wine, one made of passion, constancy and quality”.

WeTaste.Wine – Italian wines at your doorstep 

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Italian company born in 2020, WeTaste.Wine is a digital platform specialized in the online sale of Italian wine tasting options. Exploring the Italy of wine and introducing small and medium-sized wineries to wine lovers is the main purpose of the activity. The offer consists in different wine tasting options – Discovery, Magnificent, Nature – the possibility of choosing duration of the subscription, quantity of bottles and the wine gift option. Each month a wine box, each time a small Italian winery to be discovered. For more information visit www.wetaste.wine 

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