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Aaron Whitlatch New Winemaker at Green & Red Vineyard

Green & Red Vineyard, in Napa Valley, has brought on Aaron Whitlatch as its new  Winemaker, replacing former Winemaker Michael Penn who will continue to consult for  the winery. Whitlatch has over 12 years of experience making wine, most recently as  Assistant Winemaker at Mayacamas, where he worked for the past 5 vintages. Prior to  the wine industry, Whitlatch spent 8 years in biotech as a fermentation and purification  scientist. Having worked for Professor Mark Matthews while at UC-Davis and Francisco  Araujo at Atlas Vineyard Management, Whitlatch also brings a strong background in  viticulture to Green & Red and will be applying that expertise to Green & Red’s three  mountainside vineyards. 

Green & Red Vineyard was founded by Jay Heminway over forty years ago and is well  known for its estate Zinfandel wines, including making the house Zinfandel for Chez  Panisse Restaurant, in Berkeley California, for over 35 years.

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