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Notre Vue Estate Recaps ‘Green’ Initiatives for Earth Month

Wide range of viticultural practices in the estate vineyards

Notre Vue logoWindsor, Sonoma County, April 2024 – Notre Vue Estate, which spans both the Russian River and Chalk Hill growing regions in Sonoma County, recaps its environmental initiatives in time for Earth Month.

“We are a company with sustainable certification and we are focused on improving our practices every day and being more sustainable and friendly with the flora and fauna that surround us,” explains Vineyard Manager Victoria Amezcua. “We are conscious of respecting everything that the earth gives us and, in some way, giving it back with good practices. We have numerous programs in place,” she adds.

“We place compost to increase soil organic matter and add carbon to the soil, as it contains fairly stable compounds similar to humus. We started a system of direct seeding of annuals with zero tillage for three years in alternating rows, so tractors can plow annually in different rows. We have reduced spending on hydrocarbons by almost 50%. We carry out stream maintenance in the riparian corridor which crosses our property so as to prevent flooding without interfering or damaging its flora and fauna,” she explains.

Birds are also a very important part of the vineyard ecosystem at Notre Vue Estate, Amezcua explains that the winery has placed new blue bird and owl boxes around the property and these are carefully maintained throughout the year. “Two weeks ago we were checking the owl boxes to maintain them and relocate some and we found one with baby owls and it gave us a lot of joy since the owls are of such help in the vineyard, acting as predators of the gophers which damage our vines and irrigation system,” she said.

“Green” initiatives also include continuing education and training for workers including knowledge of animal species in the area.

Notre Vue has begun the process for its vineyards to be certified organic. “We have not applied herbicides for 3 years. We are searching for the best ways to combat weeds without using herbicides,” she adds. The property is part of Sonoma County’s program to detect pests before they become established. Traps on the property are monitored to detect the presence of exotic pests in the vineyards.

Notre Vue Estate encompasses 710 acres of land in both the Chalk Hill and Russian River Valley appellations. The Estate was founded by Bob and Renee Stein in 1992. Approximately 350 acres are dedicated to open space and classified as “Forever Wild” under an agreement with the Sonoma County Open Space District. The vineyards are planted to 16 varietals. Wine club members can enjoy hikes on trails that wind through the 250 acres of vineyard and 350 acres of open space. Abundant wildflowers, red-tailed hawks, turkeys, hummingbirds and perhaps a Golden Eagle or two live on the property. At the highest point on the property there are sweeping views to the east to the mountains above St. Helena and to the west as far as the Pacific Ocean.

Notre Vue offers Terrace Tastings Thursdays-Mondays on a scenic deck overlooking the winery’s Block 23 Cabernet Sauvignon. Also available are Terrace Lunches and the rental of Lakeside Cabanas by the day. RSVP in advance on the winery’s website. Notre Vue also hosts musical events on the Terrace: the next one will be a performance by Vickie Guillory & the Sugar Cats on May 17. Reservations can be made at https://www.cellarpass.com/profile/notre-vue-estate-and-balverne-wines?book=true.

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