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High Quality Analysers and Wine Testing Reagents to Aid the Wine Industry

Vinification is an art form perfected over 100’s of years, perfected to ensure the quality of the wine is maintained in every bottle of wine. Oenology is the science behind vinification.

Technology is used within the wine industry to aid developments in the fermentation, bottling and even the picking of the grapes, these are some of the biggest revelations in the new methods used for wine making.

Randox Food Diagnostics have developed a range of high quality analysers and wine testing reagents which looks to aid the wine industry. Quality is at the heart of what we do and we want to ensure the quality of your wine.

Randox Food Diagnostics
UWGS Booth: 1303

Randox Food is a dedicated company responsible for the distribution of Randox drug residue and mycotoxin analysis technology as well as a wide range of wine and honey quality test kits and analysers. This versatile range of products includes drug residue & mycotoxin ELISAs, biochip arrays and dedicated enzymatic kits for the wine and honey analysis. Better science, safer food.

W: www.randoxfood.com
E: info@randoxfooddiagnostics.com

Trade Show Guide

 Explore the 2019 Unified Wine & Grape Symposium featured exhibitors:

Business Management

Human Resources






Production Services


Tasting Room




For a full list of exhibitors, go to www.unifiedsymposium.org/trade-show. You can also follow what’s happening on the trade show floor and conference sessions on twitter #UWGS.


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